Roger Kuhns presents the geology of the Niagara Escarpment and Door County Peninsula with a monologue performance for class participants at The Clearing in Ellison Bay, WI. Sign up online at
Roger presents the science and policy of pricing carbon to the Green Sanctuary group of the MUUS in association with the Flanders Nature Center and Connecticut Community Foundation.
Join Roger in this informative and lively discussion about water at this free, open to the public event.
Water. It is part of every aspect of our civilization. How do we protect it and use it wisely? What are the risks it faces? What is the science saying? What are our policies? In exploring these questions we can guide sound, science-led policy that ensures healthy water for generations to come. Most important in the short term is establishing a respectful dialogue. This means listening, and looking far forward with our solutions, not at those bringing short term gain while exacerbating long-term dilemmas. The connectivity of water and people strengthens our communities toward a sustainable society.
Join Roger Kuhns for a day at The Clearing Folk School in this informative, interactive and fun workshop on the latest on climate change science and policy that puts science into action. Visit website for course details and prices
Join Roger Kuhns at Citizens’ Climate Lobby Northeast Regional annual meeting for the Saturday night event – a story, music and performance event delving into our environment, politics and pricing carbon and the people who are tirelessly working towards legislation to accomplish these goals of protecting our future.
Join Roger Kuhns in the Door County Land Trust Ground Water and Karst workshop and field trip.