Geology of Door County & Monologue Performance @ The Clearing Folk School
Jul 22 – Jul 28 all-day

Roger Kuhns presents the geology of the Niagara Escarpment and Door County Peninsula with a monologue performance for class participants at The Clearing in Ellison Bay, WI. Sign up online at www.theclearing.org.

Film showing of “Escarpment” @ Bjorklunden - Lawrence University
Aug 21 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Roger’s award winning documentary “Escarpment” will be shown on campus at Lawrence University’s norther campus “Bjorklunden” located at 7590 Boynton Lane, Baileys Harbor, WI. The film begins at 7:00pm. More details to come.
What was it like in Door County 425 million years ago? What has gone on in the geologic and biologic past beneath our feet? What are the changes we’re experiencing now? What might the future hold for our land, water, environment and communities?­ “Escarpment” is the natural history story of Eastern Wisconsin and the Niagara Escarpment region of the Great Lakes. The film was shot on location along the entire length of the Niagara Escarpment, with a Door County focus. It is a fast-paced fun voyage through billions of years of Eastern Wisconsin natural history. The film reconstructs ecosystems that existed when the dolomitic rocks of the Niagara Escarpment were formed, considers if dinosaurs ever walked in Door County, follows the path of glaciers, and many other major events in our geologic journey. Locations around the world are featured to show what Door County was like in the past. Animated sequences are called upon to illustrate parts of the story. The film helps to inform, enlighten, and guide us towards being better stewards of the land. In the spirit of Discovery Channel and National Geographic films, geologist and sustainologist Roger Kuhns produced this film for all ages. Kuhns has worked on the Niagara Escarpment and Great Lakes geology and ecology during the course of his career.
Science and Policy of Pricing Carbon @ The Mattatuck Unitarian Universalist Society
Jan 14 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Roger presents the science and policy of pricing carbon to the Green Sanctuary group of the MUUS in association with the Flanders Nature Center and Connecticut Community Foundation.

Healthy Waters and Navigating Political Shoals – Presentation & Discussion @ Door Community Auditorium
Feb 2 @ 10:00 am – 11:30 am

Join Roger in this informative and lively discussion about water at this free, open to the public event.

Water. It is part of every aspect of our civilization. How do we protect it and use it wisely? What are the risks it faces? What is the science saying? What are our policies? In exploring these questions we can guide sound, science-led policy that ensures healthy water for generations to come. Most important in the short term is establishing a respectful dialogue. This means listening, and looking far forward with our solutions, not at those bringing short term gain while exacerbating long-term dilemmas. The connectivity of water and people strengthens our communities toward a sustainable society.

Roger James Kuhns is a man of many talents. He is a writer, filmmaker, performer, geologist (Ph.D), and founder of SustainAudit, LLC, a sustainable practices application company based in Mystic, Connecticut. Since the late 1970s, Roger has worked on natural resources, mineral discovery, and environmental protection while working in over 80 countries around the world, including living in South Africa for 8 years. It was through this work, that his passion for living and building a sustainable world began to blossom.


Viewing & Discussion of documentary “ESCARPMENT” @ University of Wisconsin Green Bay
Feb 5 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Join Roger Kuhns for the viewing and discussion of his award winning film “ESCARPMENT” at University of Wisconsin Green Bay, in association with Clean Water Action Council.

Workshop on Climate Change Science & Policy @ The Clearing Folk School
Feb 7 @ 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Join Roger Kuhns for a day at The Clearing Folk School in this informative, interactive and fun workshop on the latest on climate change science and policy that puts science into action. Visit website for course details and prices

Dinner with Jens Jensen @ The Clearing Folk School
Feb 8 @ 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Join Roger Kuhns for a day at The Clearing Folk School potluck where he will be presenting a short perspective on Jens Jensen in the character of Jensen – it’s fun and informative.

Carbon: a Poem in Fact @ TBD - Albany, NY
Mar 30 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Join Roger Kuhns at Citizens’ Climate Lobby Northeast Regional annual meeting for the Saturday night event – a story, music and performance event delving into our environment, politics and pricing carbon and the people who are tirelessly working towards legislation to accomplish these goals of protecting our future.